Our research focuses on the presence, fate and impacts of toxic contaminants in the aquatic environment, including trace organic contaminants (like pharmaceuticals and personal care products, pesticides, industrial compounds, hormones), microplastics, metals and other elements and their effects on living systems in general (using ethical alternatives to animal testing such as in vitro and in silico testing models) but also monitoring impact in our endangered wildlife such as turtles, sharks, dugongs, fish, frogs and other aquatic life. Click here to find out more about our research themes.
We are very grateful to our funding partners without whom our research would not be possible. ARI-TOX is supported by a variety of funding sources, including the Australian Research Council, Water Research Australia, the Global Water Research Coalition, WWF-Australia, the Sea World Research and Rescue Foundation, and more. If you want to find out how you can support our work, please Contact Us.
Our results have been published in a wide range of peer-reviewed international journals, such as Environment International, Water Research, Environmental Science & Technology, Science of the Total Environment, Chemosphere and many more. We have also (co)authored several books. Click here to see a list of our Publications.
We share our findings with our colleagues at conferences around the world. Click here to see the ARI-TOX virtual conference hall, where you can find many of our posters.
ARI-TOX is based in a modern laboratory (PC2) in building G51 (Smart Water Research Centre) on Griffith University’s Gold Coast Campus. The laboratories were completed in 2009 with state-of-the-art equipment, which allows a diversity of topics for in vivo, in vitro, and in silico toxicological research.