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Note: PDFs are not provided on this website, however feel free to get in touch with us directly. Journal articles can all be found on the websites of the respective journals; access depends on the subscriptions of your institution.


Escher BE, Neale PA and Leusch FDL (2021) Bioanalytical Tools in Water Quality Assessment – Second Edition. IWA Publishing, London, UK. 462pp. [click here for Open Access]

Leusch FDL, Sacher F, Scheurer M, Hebert A and Schriks M (2017) Bioanalytical tools to analyse hormonal activity in environmental waters. Global Water Research Coalition, UK. 237pp. ISBN 978-1-921732-40-9

Leusch F, Hebert A and Schriks M (2013). Bioanalytical tools to analyse hormonal activity in environmental waters. Global Water Research Coalition, UK. 180pp. ISBN 978-90-77622-29-2

enHealth (2012). The role of toxicity testing in identifying toxic substances in water. enHealth, Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra, ACT, Australia. 33pp. ISBN 978-1-74241-439-3

Escher BE and Leusch FDL (2012). Bioanalytical tools in water quality assessment. With contributions by Chapman HF and Poulsen A. IWA Publishing, London, UK. 253pp. ISBN 978-1-843393-68-9

GWRC (2008). Tools to detect estrogenicity in environmental waters – Final report. Prepared by Leusch FDL. Global Water Research Coalition (GWRC) / Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF), Alexandria, VA, USA. 74pp.

GWRC (2006). In vitro bioassays to detect estrogenic activity in environmental waters – A literature review. Prepared by Leusch FDL. Global Water Research Coalition (GWRC) / Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF), Alexandria, VA, USA. 76pp.

Book Chapters

Ziajahromi S and Leusch FDL (2022). Ecotoxicity of micro- and nano-sized plastics. Chapter 7 in Horton A (Ed.), Plastic Pollution in the Global Ocean. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. 392pp.

O’Shea TJ, Takeuchi NY, Weijs L, Marsh H (2018). Ecotoxicology of the Sirenia in the twenty-first century. Book chapter 16 in Marine Mammal Ecotoxicology, Eds Fossi MC, Panti C. Elsevier Academic Press (ISBN: 9780128121443).

Denslow ND, Maruya KA and Leusch FDL (2016). Bioanalytical approaches in assessing transformation products. Chapter 4 in Drewes JE and Letzel T (Ed.), Assessing transformation products of chemicals by non-target and suspect screening: Strategies and workflows Volume 2, pp. 73-87. ACS Symposium Series Vol 1242, American Chemical Society, Washington DC, USA.

Weijs L, Dirtu AC, Malarvannan G, Covaci A (2015). Bioaccumulation and biotransformation of brominated flame retardants. Wilson & Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry (Edited by Damia Barcelo). Volume 67: Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Analytical Techniques, Environmental Fate and Biological Effects, Edited by Eddy Y. Zeng. Published by Elsevier BV. ISBN: 978-0-444-63299-9, ISSN: 0166-526X. 685pp. (Chapter 14: 433-491)

Yang RSH, Weijs L, McDougall R, Housand C (2015). The application of PBPK modelling, the Bayesian approach, and the utilization of Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation in risk assessment. Toxicology and Risk Assessment (Edited by Fan AM, Khan EM, Alexeeff GV). Published by Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd. ISBN: 978-981-4613-38-5. 1500pp. (Chapter 7: 265-299)

Chapman HF, Leusch FDL and Tan BLL (2008). Risk management of chemicals in recycled water. Chapter 5 in Purified recycled water for drinking: The technical issues. Queensland Water Commission, Brisbane, QLD, Australia. 273pp.

Chapman HF, Leusch FDL and Tan BLL (2007). Endocrine disruptors. Chapter 1 in Occasional Paper 8: Chemicals of concern in wastewater treatment plant effluent: State of the science in Australia. Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment. Adelaide, SA, Australia. 82 pp.

Peer-reviewed manuscripts

Our publications in peer-reviewed journals are listed below, from most recent to oldest.


Ziajahromi, S. and Leusch, F.D.L. (2022) Systematic assessment of data quality and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) of current research on microplastics in biosolids and agricultural soils. Environ Pollut 294: 118629

Papa, M., Dogruer, G., Bailey, D. and Leusch, F.D.L. (2022) Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge has no effect on glucocorticoid and anti-progestagenic activity but increases estrogenicity three-fold. Chemosphere 286: 131753

Nguyen, A.Q., Nguyen, L.N., McDonald, J.A., Nghiem, L.D., Leusch, F.D.L., Neale, P.A. and Khan, S.J. (2022) Chiral inversion of 2-arylpropionoic acid (2-APA) enantiomers during simulated biological wastewater treatment. Water Res 209: 117871

Johnson, M., Finlayson, K., Shelper, T., van de Merwe, J.P. and Leusch, F.D.L. (2022) Optimisation of an automated high-throughput micronucleus (HiTMiN) assay to measure genotoxicity of environmental contaminants. Chemosphere 298: 134349

Islam, R., Melvin, S.D., Kit Yu, R.M., O’Connor, W.A., Anh Tran, T.K., Andrew-Priestley, M., Leusch, F.D.L. and MacFarlane, G.R. (2022) Estrogenic mixtures induce alterations in lipidomic profiles in the gonads of female oysters. Chemosphere 291: 132997


Ziajahromi, S., Neale, P.A., Telles Silveira, I., Chua, A. and Leusch, F.D.L. (2021) An audit of microplastic abundance throughout three Australian wastewater treatment plants. Chemosphere 263: 128294

Lu, H.C., Ziajahromi, S., Neale, P.A. and Leusch, F.D.L. (2021) A systematic review of freshwater microplastics in water and sediments: Recommendations for harmonisation to enhance future study comparisons. Sci Total Environ 781: 146693

Leusch, F.D.L. and Ziajahromi, S. (2021) Converting mg/L to Particles/L: Reconciling the Occurrence and Toxicity Literature on Microplastics. Environ Sci Technol 55(17): 11470-11472

Leusch, F.D.L., Hollert, H. and Holmes, G. (2021) Editorial – Virtual special issue (VSI) green turtles as silent sentinels of pollution in the Great Barrier Reef – Rivers to Reef to Turtles project. Sci Total Environ 757: 144188

Islam, R., Melvin, S.D., Yu, R.M.K., O’Connor, W.A., Tran, T.K.A., Andrew-Priestley, M., Leusch, F.D.L. and MacFarlane, G.R. (2021) Exposure to estrogenic mixtures results in tissue-specific alterations to the metabolome of oysters. Aquatic Toxicology 231: 105722

Franklin, H.M., Doederer, K., Neale, P.A., Hayton, J.B., Fisher, P., Maxwell, P., Carroll, A.R., Burford, M.A. and Leusch, F.D.L. (2021) Terrestrial dissolved organic matter source affects disinfection by-product formation during water treatment and subsequent toxicity. Environ Pollut 283: 117232

Finlayson, K.A., Leusch, F.D.L., Villa, C.A., Limpus, C.J. and van de Merwe, J.P. (2021) Combining analytical and in vitro techniques for comprehensive assessments of chemical exposure and effect in green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas). Chemosphere 274: 129752

Chaousis, S., Leusch, F.D.L., Nouwens, A., Melvin, S.D. and van de Merwe, J.P. (2021) Changes in global protein expression in sea turtle cells exposed to common contaminants indicates new biomarkers of chemical exposure. Sci Total Environ 751: 141680

Barraza, A.D., Finlayson, K.A., Leusch, F.D.L. and van de Merwe, J.P. (2021) Systematic review of reptile reproductive toxicology to inform future research directions on endangered or threatened species, such as sea turtles. Environ Pollut 286: 117470


Ziajahromi, S., Drapper, D., Hornbuckle, A., Rintoul, L. and Leusch, F.D.L. (2020) Microplastic pollution in a stormwater floating treatment wetland: Detection of tyre particles in sediment. Sci Total Environ 713: 136356

Weijs, L., Covaci, A., Stevenson, G., Kemper, C., Tomo, I. and Leusch, F. (2020) Concentrations of some legacy pollutants have increased in South Australian bottlenose dolphins from 1989 to 2014. Environ Res 189: 109834

Singh, A., Eftekhari, E., Scott, J., Kaur, J., Yambem, S., Leusch, F., Wellings, R., Gould, T., Ostrikov, K., Sonar, P. and Li, Q. (2020) Carbon dots derived from human hair for ppb level chloroform sensing in water. Sustainable Materials and Technologies 25: e00159

Neale, P.A., Grimaldi, M., Boulahtouf, A., Leusch, F.D.L. and Balaguer, P. (2020) Assessing species-specific differences for nuclear receptor activation for environmental water extracts. Water Res 185: 116247

Lowry, G., Field, J., Westerhoff, P., Zimmerman, J., Alvarez, P., Boehm, A., Crittenden, J., Dachs, J., Diamond, M., Eckelman, M., Gardea-Torresdey, J., Giammar, D., Hofstetter, T., Hornbuckle, K., Jiang, G., Li, X.D., Leusch, F., Mihelcic, J., Miller, S., Pruden, A., Raskin, L., Richardson, S., Scheringer, M., Schlenk, D., Strathmann, T., Tao, S., Waite, T.D., Wang, P. and Wang, S. (2020) Why Was My Paper Rejected without Review? Environ Sci Technol 54(19), 11641-11644.

Leusch, F.D.L., Khan, S.J., Deere, D., Cunliffe, D., Neale, P.A. and Humpage, A. (2020) Deriving safe short-term chemical exposure values (STEV) for drinking water. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 110: 104545

Kroon, F.J., Berry, K.L.E., Brinkman, D.L., Kookana, R., Leusch, F.D.L., Melvin, S.D., Neale, P.A., Negri, A.P., Puotinen, M., Tsang, J.J., van de Merwe, J.P. and Williams, M. (2020) Sources, presence and potential effects of contaminants of emerging concern in the marine environments of the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait, Australia. Sci Total Environ 719: 135140

Islam, R., Kit Yu, R.M., O’Connor, W.A., Anh Tran, T.K., Andrew-Priestley, M., Leusch, F.D.L. and MacFarlane, G.R. (2020) Parental exposure to the synthetic estrogen 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) affects offspring development in the Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea glomerata. Environ Pollut 266: 114994

Asif, M.B., Van De Merwe, J.P., Leusch, F.D.L., Pramanik, B.K., Price, W.E. and Hai, F.I. (2020) Elucidating the performance of an integrated laccase- and persulfate-assisted process for degradation of trace organic contaminants (TrOCs). Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology 6(4), 1069-1082.


Ziajahromi, S., Kumar, A., Neale, P.A., Leusch, F.D.L. (2019) Effects of polyethylene microplastics on the acute toxicity of a synthetic pyrethroid to midge larvae (Chironomus tepperi) in synthetic and river water, Sci. Total Environ. 671: 971-975

Neale, P.A., Leusch, F.D.L. (2019) Assessing the role of different dissolved organic carbon and bromide concentrations for disinfection by-product formation using chemical analysis and bioanalysis, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 26: 17100-17109

Neale, P.A., Branch, A., Khan, S.J., Leusch, F.D.L. (2019) Evaluating the enantiospecific differences of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) using an ecotoxicity bioassay test battery, Sci. Total Environ. 694: 133659

Altenburger, R., Brack, W., Burgess, R.M., Busch, W., Escher, B.I., Focks, A., Hewitt, M., Jacobsen, B.N., López de Alda, M., Ait-Aissa, S., Backhaus, T., Ginebreda, A., Hilscherová, K., Hollender, J., Hollert, H., Neale, P.A., Schulze, T., Schymanski, E.L., Teodorovic, I., Tindall, A.J., de Aragão Umbuzeiro, G., Vrana, B., Zonja, B., Krauss, M. (2019) Future water quality monitoring – Improving the balance between exposure and toxicity assessments of real world pollutant mixtures, Environ. Sci. Eur. 31: 12

Alharbi SK, Nghiem LD, van de Merwe JP, Leusch FDL, Asif MB, Hai FI, Price WE (2019) Degradation of diclofenac, trimethoprim, carbamazepine, and sulfamethoxazole by laccase from Trametes versicolor: Transformation products and toxicity of treated effluent. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation:1-10

Asif MB, Fida Z, Tufail A, van de Merwe JP, Leusch FDL, Pramanik BK, Price WE, Hai FI (2019) Persulfate oxidation-assisted membrane distillation process for micropollutant degradation and membrane fouling control. Separation and Purification Technology 222:321-331

Vijayasarathy S, Weijs L, Grant S, Gallen M, Gaus C, 2019. PCDD/F and PCB levels in different tissues from dugongs (Dugong dugon) inhabiting the Queensland coastline. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 139: 23-31.

Casa MV, van Mourik L, Weijs L, Mueller J, Bengtson Nash S, 2019. First detection of short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) foraging in Antarctic waters. Environmental Pollution, 250: 953-959.

Weijs L, Leusch F, Covaci A, 2019. Concentrations of legacy persistent organic pollutants and naturally produced MeO-PBDEs in dugongs (Dugong dugon) from Moreton Bay, Australia. Chemosphere, 229, 500-508.

Bell IP, Meager J, van de Merwe JP, Madden Hof CA (2019) Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) population demographics at three chemically distinct foraging areas in the northern Great Barrier Reef. Science of The Total Environment 652:1040-1050

Pearson RM, van de Merwe JP, Gagan MK, Limpus CJ, Connolly RM (2019) Distinguishing between sea turtle foraging areas using stable isotopes from commensal barnacle shells. Scientific Reports 9:6565

Finlayson KA, Leusch FDL, Limpus CJ, van de Merwe JP (2019) Towards the development of standardised sea turtle primary cell cultures for toxicity testing. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 173: 63-70

Finlayson KA, Leusch FDL, van de Merwe JP (2019) Cytotoxicity of organic and inorganic compounds to primary cell cultures established from internal tissues of Chelonia mydas. Science of the Total Environment 664: 958-967

Finlayson KA, Leusch FDL, van de Merwe JP (2019) Primary green turtle (Chelonia mydas) skin fibroblasts as an in vitro model for assessing genotoxicity and oxidative stress. Aquatic Toxicology 207: 13-18

Leusch FDL, Neale PA, Busetti F, Card M, Humpage A, Orbell JD, Ridgway HF, Stewart MB, van de Merwe JP, Escher BI (2019) Transformation of endocrine disrupting chemicals, pharmaceutical and personal care products during drinking water disinfection. Science of The Total Environment 657:1480-1490

Tran TKA, Yu RMK, Islam R, Nguyen THT, Bui TLH, Kong RYC, O’Connor WA, Leusch FDL, Andrew-Priestley M, MacFarlane GR (2019) The utility of vitellogenin as a biomarker of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in molluscs. Environmental Pollution 248: 1067-1078


Novák, J., Vrana B., Rusina, T., Okonskia, T., Grabic, R., Neale, P.A., Escher, B.I., Mácová, M., Aїt-Aїssa, S., Creusot, M., Allan, I., Hilscherová, K. (2018) Effect-based monitoring of the Danube River using mobile passive sampling, Total Environ. 636: 1608-1619

Dogruer G, Weijs L, Tang JYM, Hollert H, Kock M, Bell I, Hof CAM, Gaus C, 2018. Effect-based approach for screening of chemical mixtures in whole blood of green turtles form the Great Barrier Reef. Science of the Total Environment, 612: 321-329.

Altenburger, R., Scholze, M., Busch, W., Escher, B.I., Jakobs G., Krauss, K., Krüger, J., Neale, P.A., Aїt-Aїssa, S., Almeida, A.C., Seiler, T.-B., Brion, F., Hilscherová K., Hollert, H., Novák, J., Schlichting, R., Serra, H., Shao, Y., Tindall, A.J., Tollefsen, K.-E., Umbuzeiro, G., Williams, T.D., Kortenkamp, A. (2018) Mixture effects in samples of multiple contaminants – an inter-laboratory study with manifold bioassays, Int. 114: 95-106

Neale, P.A., Brack, W., Aїt-Aїssa, S., Busch, W., Hollender, J., Krauss, M., Maillot-Maréchal, E., Munz, N.A., Schlichting, R., Schulze, T., Vogler, B., Escher, B.I. (2018) Solid-phase extraction as sample preparation of water samples for cell-based and other in vitro bioassays, Sci. Process. Impacts 20: 493-504

Escher, B.I., Aїt-Aїssa, S., Behnisch, P.A., Brack, W., Brion, F., Brouwer, A., Buchinger, S., Crawford, S.E., Du Pasquier, D., Hamers, T., Hettwer, K., Hilscherová, K., Hollert, H., Kase, R., Kienle, C., Tindall, A.J., Tuerk, J., van der Oost, R., Vermeirssen, E., Neale, P.A. (2018) Effect-based trigger values for in vitro and in vivo bioassays performed on surface water extracts supporting the environmental quality standards (EQS) of the European Water Framework Directive, Total Environ. 628-629: 748-765

Nivala, J., Neale, P.A., Haasis, T., Kahl, S., König, M., Müller, R.A., Reemtsma, T., Schlichting, R., Escher, B.I. (2018) Application of cell-based bioassays to evaluate treatment efficacy of conventional and intensified treatment wetlands, Sci. Water Res. Technol. 4, 206–217

Hebert, A., Feliers, C., Lecarpentier, C., Neale, P.A., Schlichting, R., Thibert, S., Escher, B.I. (2018) Bioanalytical assessment of adaptive stress responses in drinking water: A predictive tool to differentiate between micropollutants and disinfection by-products, Water Res. 132, 340-349

Watson K, Farré MJ, Leusch FDL and Knight N (2018) Using fluorescence-parallel factor analysis for assessing disinfection by-product formation and natural organic matter removal efficiency in secondary treated synthetic drinking waters. Science of the Total Environment

Leusch FDL, Neale PA, Arnal C, Aneck-Hahn NH, Balaguer P, Bruchet A, Escher BI, Esperanza M, Grimaldi M, Leroy G, Scheurer M, Schlichting R, Schriks M and Hebert A (2018) Analysis of endocrine activity in drinking water, surface water and treated wastewater from six countries. Water Research 139: 10-18.

Melvin SD, Leusch FDL and Carroll AR (2018) Metabolite profiles of striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes peronii) larvae exposed to the anti-androgenic fungicides vinclozolin and propiconazole are consistent with altered steroidogenesis and oxidative stress. Aquatic Toxicology 199: 232-239.

van de Merwe JP, Neale PA, Melvin SD and Leusch FDL (2018) In vitro bioassays reveal that additives are significant contributors to the toxicity of commercial household pesticides. Aquatic Toxicology 199: 263-268.

Melvin SD, Jones OAH, Carroll AR and Leusch FDL (2018) 1H NMR-based metabolomics reveals interactive effects between the carrier solvent methanol and a pharmaceutical mixture in an amphibian developmental bioassay with Limnodynastes peronei. Chemosphere 199: 372-381.

Ziajahromi S, Kumar A, Neale PA and Leusch FDL (2018) Environmentally relevant concentrations of polyethylene microplastics negatively impact the survival, growth and emergence of sediment-dwelling invertebrates. Environmental Pollution 236: 425-431.

Chaousis S, Leusch FDL and van de Merwe JP (2018) Charting a path towards non-destructive biomarkers in threatened wildlife: A systematic quantitative literature review. Environmental Pollution 234: 59-70

Scott PD, Coleman HM, Khan S, Lim R, McDonald JA, Mondon J, Neale PA, Prochazka E, Tremblay LA, Warne MS and Leusch FDL (2018). Histopathology, vitellogenin and chemical body burden in mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) sampled from six river sites receiving a gradient of stressors. Science of the Total Environment 616-617: 1638-1648

Asif MB, Hai FI, Kang J, van de Merwe JP, Leusch FDL, Price WE and Nghiem LD (2018) Biocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, industrial chemicals, steroid hormones and pesticides in a membrane distillation-enzymatic bioreactor. Bioresource Technology 247: 528-536

Leusch FDL, Aneck-Hahn NH, Cavanagh JAE., Du Pasquier D, Hamers T, Hebert A, Neale PA, Scheurer M, Simmons SO and Schriks M (2018) Comparison of in vitro and in vivo bioassays to measure thyroid hormone disrupting activity in water extracts. Chemosphere 191: 868-875


Ziajahromi S, Kumar A, Neale PA and Leusch FDL (2017) Impact of microplastic beads and fibers on waterflea (Ceriodaphnia dubia) survival, growth, and reproduction: Implications of single and mixture exposures. Environmental Science and Technology 51: 13397-13406

Pearson RM, van de Merwe JP, Limpus CJ, Connolly RM. 2017. Realignment of sea turtle isotope studies needed to match conservation priorities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 583:259-271

Doell SA, Connolly RM, Limpus CJ, Pearson RM, van de Merwe JP. 2017. Using growth rates to estimate age of the sea turtle barnacle Chelonibia testudinaria. Marine Biology 164:222.

Neale, P.A., Altenburger, R., Aїt-Aїssa, S., Brion, F., Busch, W., de Aragão Umbuzeiro, G., Denison, M. S., Du Pasquier, D., Hilscherová, K., Hollert, H., Morales, D.A., Novák, J., Schlichting, R., Seiler, T.B., Serra, H., Shao, Y., Tindall, A.J., Tollefsen, K.E., Williams, T.D., Escher, B.I. (2017) Development of a bioanalytical test battery for water quality monitoring: Fingerprinting identified micropollutants and their contribution to effects in surface water. Water Res. 123, 734-750

Neale, P.A., Munz, N.A., Aїt-Aїssa, S., Altenburger, R., Brion, F., Busch, W., Escher, B.I., Hilscherová, K., Kienle, C., Novák, J., Seiler, T.B., Shao, Y., Stamm, C., Hollender, J. (2017) Integrating chemical analysis and bioanalysis to evaluate the contribution of wastewater effluent on the micropollutant burden in small streams, Total Environ. 576: 785-795

König, M., Escher, B.I., Neale P.A., Krauss, M., Hilscherová, K., Novák, J. Teodorović, I. Schulze, T., Seidensticker, S., Hashmi, M. A. K., Ahlheim, J., Brack, W. (2017) Impact of untreated wastewater on a major European river evaluated with a combination of in vitro bioassays and chemical analysis, Environ. Pollut. 220: 1220-1230

Alharbi SK, Kang J, Nghiem LD, van de Merwe JP, Leusch FDL and Price WE (2017) Photolysis and UV/H2O2 of diclofenac, sulfamethoxazole, carbamazepine, and trimethoprim: Identification of their major degradation products by ESI-LC-MS and assessment of the toxicity of reaction mixtures. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 112: 222-234

Neale PA, Achard MES, Escher BI and Leusch FDL (2017) Exploring the oxidative stress response mechanism triggered by environmental water samples. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts 19 (9): 1126-1133

Boehler S, Strecker R, Heinrich P, Prochazka E, Northcott GL, Ataria JM, Leusch FDL, Braunbeck T and Tremblay LA (2017) Assessment of urban stream sediment pollutants entering estuaries using chemical analysis and multiple bioassays to characterise biological activities. Science of the Total Environment 593-594: 498-507

Asif MB, Hai FI, Kang J, van de Merwe JP, Leusch FDL, Yamamoto K, Price WE and Nghiem LD (2017) Degradation of trace organic contaminants by a membrane distillation—enzymatic bioreactor. Applied Sciences 7 (9): 879-894

Multer K, Hollert H, Leusch FDL and Neale PA (2017). Development and application of a simple method to detect toxic chemicals in fruits and vegetables that can be implemented in a rudimentary laboratory setting: A proof of concept study. Food Control 73: 1023-1031

Khan SJ, Deere D, Leusch FDL, Humpage A, Jenkins M, Cunliffe D, Fitzgerald SK and Stanford BD (2017) Lessons and guidance for the management of safe drinking water during extreme weather events. Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology 3(2): 262-277

Melvin SD, Habener LJ, Leusch FDL and Carroll AR (2017). 1H NMR-based metabolomics reveals sub-lethal toxicity of a mixture of diabetic and lipid-regulating pharmaceuticals on amphibian larvae. Aquatic Toxicology 184: 123-132

Neale PA, Leusch FDL and Escher BE (2017). Applying mixture toxicity modelling to predict bacterial bioluminescence inhibition by non-specifically acting pharmaceuticals and specifically acting antibiotics. Chemosphere 173: 387-394

Ziajahromi S, Neale PA, Rintoul L and Leusch FDL (2017). Wastewater treatment plants as a pathway for microplastics: Development of a new approach to sample wastewater-based microplastics. Water Research 112: 93-99

Deere D, Leusch FDL, Humpage A, Cunliffe D and Khan SJ (2017). Hypothetical scenario exercises to improve planning and readiness for drinking water quality management during extreme weather events. Water Research 111: 100-108

Leusch FDL, Neale PA, Hebert A, Scheurer M and Schriks MCM (2017). Analysis of the sensitivity of in vitro bioassays for androgenic, progestagenic, glucocorticoid, thyroid and estrogenic activity: Suitability for drinking and environmental waters. Environment International 99: 120-130

Allan HL, van de Merwe JP, Finlayson KA, O’Brien JW, Mueller JF and Leusch FDL (2017) Analysis of sugarcane herbicides in marine turtle nesting areas and assessment of risk using in vitro toxicity assays. Chemosphere 185: 656-664

Scott PD, Coleman HM, Colville A, Lim R, Matthews B, McDonald JA, Miranda A, Neale PA, Nugegoda D, Tremblay LA and Leusch FDL (2017).  Assessing the potential for trace organic contaminants commonly found in Australian rivers to induce vitellogenin in the native rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis) and the introduced mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Aquatic Toxicology 185: 105-120

Lanctôt CL, Cresswell T, and SD Melvin. 2017. Uptake and tissue distributions of cadmium, selenium and zinc in striped marsh frog tadpoles exposed during early post-embryonic development. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 144: 291-299.

Bosker T, Santoro G, and SD Melvin. 2017. Salinity and sensitivity to endocrine disrupting chemicals: A comparison of reproductive endpoints in small-bodied fish exposed under different salinities. Chemosphere 183: 186-196.

Lanctôt CL, Cresswell T, Callaghan PD, and SD Melvin. 2017. Bioaccumulation and biodistribution of selenium in metamorphosing tadpoles. Environmental Science & Technology 51:5764-5773.

Troeira Henriques, S., Lawrence, N., Chaousis, S., Ravipati, A.S., Cheneval, O., Benfield, A.H., Elliott, A.G., Kavanagh, A.M., Cooper, M.A., Chan, L.Y. & Huang, Y.H. (2017). Redesigned spider peptide with improved antimicrobial and anticancer properties. ACS Chemical Biology12(9), 2324-2334.

Melvin SD, Petit MA, Duvignacq MC, and JP Sumpter. 2017. Towards improved behavioural testing in aquatic toxicology: Acclimation and observation times are important factors when designing behavioural tests with fish. Chemosphere 180: 430-436.

Lanctôt CL, Melvin SD, and T Cresswell. 2017. Selenium speciation influences bioaccumulation and tissue distribution in Limnodynastes peronii tadpoles exposed during larval development. Aquatic Toxicology 187: 1-8.

Melvin SD. Effect of antidepressants on circadian rhythms in fish: insights and implications regarding the design of behavioural toxicity tests. Aquatic Toxicology 182: 20-30.


Ziajahromi S, Neale PA, Leusch FDL (2016). Wastewater treatment plant effluent as a source of microplastics: review of the fate, chemical interactions and potential risks to aquatic organisms. Water Science & Technology 74: 2253-2269

Rees AF, Alfaro-Shigueto J, Barata PCR, Bjorndal KA, Bolten AB, van de Merwe JP, et al. 2016. Are we working towards global research priorities for management and conservation of sea turtles? Endangered Species Research 31:337-382.

van de Merwe JP, Lee SY, Connolly RM, Pitt KA, Steven ADL. 2016. Assessing temporal and spatial trends in estuarine nutrient dynamics using a multi-species stable isotope approach. Ecological Indicators 67:338-345.

Lehnert K, Ronnenberg K, Weijs L, Covaci A, Das K, Hellwig V, Siebert U, 2016. Xenobiotic molecular biomarkers in harbour seals as proxies for pollutant burden and effects? Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. DOI 10.1007/s00244-015-0202-3.

Weijs L & Zaccaroni A, 2016. Toxicology of marine mammals: New developments and future perspectives. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, DOI 10.1007/s00244-015-0233-9

Weijs L, Vijayasarathy S, Villa CA, Neugebauer F, Meager JJ, Gaus C, 2016. Screening of organic and metal contaminants in Australian humpback dolphins (Sousa sahulensis) inhabiting an urbanised embayment. Chemosphere, 151: 253-262.

Chen Y, McLachlan MS, Kaserzon S, Wang X, Weijs L, Gallen M, Toms LML, Li Y, Aylward LL, Sly PD, Mueller JF, 2016. Monthly variation in faeces:blood concentration ratio of persistent organic pollutants over the first year of life: a case study of one infant. Environmental Research, 147: 259-268.

Durig W, Blakey I, Grant S, Chambers L, Escher B, Weijs L, Gaus C, 2016. New polymer passive sampler for sensitive biomonitoring of lipid-rich matrices. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 3, 52-56. DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.5b00333

Brockmeier EK, Scott PD, Denslow ND and Leusch FDL (2016) Transcriptomic and physiological changes in Eastern Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) after exposure to progestins and anti-progestagens. Aquatic Toxicology 179: 8-17.

Finlayson KA, Leusch FDL and van de Merwe JP (2016). The current state and future directions of marine turtle toxicology research. Environment International 64: 113-123.

Ashe B, Nguyen LN, Hai FI, Lee DJ, van de Merwe JP, Leusch FDL, Price WE, Nghiem LD (2016) Impacts of redox-mediator type on trace organic contaminants degradation by laccase: Degradation efficiency, laccase stability and effluent toxicity. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 113, 169-176.

Melvin S.D, Leusch F (2016). Removal of trace organic contaminants from domestic wastewater: A meta-analysis comparison of sewage treatment technologies. Environment International, 92-93, 183 188.

Lanctot C, Wilson S, Fabbro L, Leusch F, Melvin SD (2016). Comparative sensitivity of aquatic invertebrate and vertebrate species to wastewater from an operational coal mine in central Queensland, Australia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 129, 1 9.

Melvin S.D, Lanctot C, van de Merwe J, Leusch F (2016). Altered bioenergetics and developmental effects in striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes peronii) tadpoles exposed to UV treated sewage. Aquatic Toxicology, 175, 30 38.

King OC, van de Merwe JP, Mcdonald JA and Leusch FD (2016). Concentrations of levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol in wastewater effluents: Is the progestin also cause for concern? Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35(6): 1378-1385.

Lanctot C, Melvin SD, Fabbro L, Leusch F, Wilson S (2016). Effects of coal mine wastewater on locomotor and non-locomotor activities of empire gudgeons (Hypseleotris compressa). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 127, 36 42.

Lanctot C, Bennett W, Wilson S, Fabbro L, Leusch F, Melvin SD (2016). Behaviour, development and metal accumulation in striped marsh frog tadpoles (Limnodynastes peronii) exposed to coal mine wastewater. Aquatic Toxicology, 173, 218 227.

Lanctot C, Melvin SD, Leusch F, Wilson S, Fabbro L (2016). Locomotor and behavioural responses of empire gudgeons (Hypseleotris compressa) exposed to coal mine wastewater. Chemosphere, 144, 1560 1566.

Nguyen LN, van de Merwe J, Hai FI, Leusch FDL, Kang J, Price WE, Roddick F, Magram SF and Nghiem LD (2016). Laccase – syringaldehyde (SA) – mediated degradation of trace organic contaminants (TrOCs) in an enzymatic membrane reaction (EMR): Removal efficiency and effluent toxicity. Bioresource Technology 200: 477-484.

Henriques, S. T., Deplazes, E., Lawrence, N., Cheneval, O., Chaousis, S., Inserra, M., … & Craik, D. J. (2016). Interaction of Tarantula Venom Peptide ProTx-II with Lipid Membranes Is a Prerequisite for Its Inhibition of Human Voltage-gated Sodium Channel NaV1. 7.Journal of Biological Chemistry291(33), 17049-17065.

Wang, C. K., King, G. J., Conibear, A. C., Ramos, M. C., Chaousis, S., Henriques, S. T., & Craik, D. J. (2016). Mirror Images of Antimicrobial Peptides Provide Reflections on Their Functions and Amyloidogenic Properties. Journal of the American Chemical Society138(17), 5706-5713.

Conibear, A. C., Chaousis, S., Durek, T., Johan Rosengren, K., Craik, D. J., & Schroeder, C. I. (2016). Approaches to the stabilization of bioactive epitopes by grafting and peptide cyclization.Peptide Science106(1), 89-100.

Melvin SD, Buck DR, and LD Fabbro. 2016. Diurnal activity patterns as a sensitive behavioural outcome in fish: Effect of short-term exposure to treated sewage and a sub-lethal PPCP mixture. Journal of Applied Toxicology 36: 1173-1182.

Melvin SD. Short-term exposure to municipal wastewater influences energy, growth and swimming performance in juvenile Empire Gudgeons (Hypseleotris compressa). Aquatic Toxicology 170: 271-278.

Melvin SD. Oxidative stress, energy storage, and swimming performance of Limnodynastes peronii tadpoles exposed to a sub-lethal pharmaceutical mixture throughout development. Chemosphere 150: 790-797.


Khan SJ, Deere D, Leusch FDL, Humpage A, Jenkins M and Cunliffe D (2015). Extreme weather events: Should drinking water quality management systems adapt to changing risk profiles? Water Research 85: 124-136

Schroeder, C., Henriques, S., Mobli, M., Chaousis, S., Walsh, P., Thongyoo, P., & Craik, D. (2015). Delineating toxin: lipid: ion channel interactions for rationally sodium channel inhibitors design. InProtein Science, 24, 16-17.

Ziajahromi S, Khanizadeh M, Nejadkoorki F. (2015). Using the RESRAD Code to Assess Human Exposure Risk to 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K in Soil. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment .21(1): 250-264

Finlayson, K., Stevens, T., Arthur, J.M., Rissik, D. (2015) Recovery of a subtropical rocky shore is not yet complete, four years after a moderate sized oil spill. Marine Pollution Bulletin 93: 27-36

Morris C, Lee SY, van de Merwe JP. 2015. δ15N of estuarine fishes as a quantitative indicator of urbanization. Ecological Indicators 56:41-49.

Weijs L, Briels N, Adams DH, Lepoint G, Das K, Blust R, Covaci A, 2015. Bioaccumulation of organohalogenated compounds in sharks and rays from the southeastern USA. Environmental Research, 137, 199-207.

Dorneles PR, Lailson-Brito J, Secchi ER, Dirtu AC, Weijs L, Dalla Rosa L, Bassoi M, Cunha HA, Azevedo AF, Covaci A, 2015. Levels and profiles of chlorinated and brominated contaminants in Southern Hemisphere humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae. Environmental Research, 138, 49-57.

Weijs L, Briels N, Adams D, Das K, Blust R, Covaci A, 2015. Maternal transfer of organohalogenated compounds in sharks and stingrays. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 92, 59-68.

Bulaeva E., Lanctôt C., Reynolds L., Trudeau V. L., Navarro-Martín L. (2015) Sodium perchlorate disrupts development and affects metamorphosis- and growth-related gene expression in tadpoles of the wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus). General and Comparative Endocrinology 222: 33–43.

Neale, P.A., Aїt-Aїssa, S., Brack, W., Creusot, N., Denison, M.S., Deutschmann, B., Hilscherová, K., Hollert, H., Krauss, M., Novak, J., Schulze, T., Seiler, T.B., Serra, H., Shao, Y., Escher, B.I. (2015) Linking in vitro effects and detected organic micropollutants in surface water using mixture toxicity modeling, Environ. Sci. Technol. 49: 14614-14624

Neale. P.A., Stalter, D., Tang, J.Y.M., Escher, B.I. (2015) Bioanalytical evidence that chemicals in tattoo ink can induce adaptive stress responses, J. Hazard. Mater. 296: 192-200

Neale, P.A., Jämting, Å., O’Malley, E., Herrmann, J., Escher, B.I. (2015) Behaviour of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles in the presence of wastewater-derived organic matter and implications for algal toxicity, Environ. Sci.: Nano 2: 86-93

Mehinto AC, Jia A, Snyder SA, Jayasinghe BS, Denslow ND, Crago J, Schlenk D, Menzie C, Westerheide SD, Leusch FDL and Maruya KA (2015). Interlaboratory comparison of in vitro bioassays for screening of endocrine active chemicals in recycled water. Water Research 83: 303-309.

Escher BI, Neale PA and Leusch FDL (2015). Effect-based trigger values for in vitro bioassays: Reading across from existing water quality guideline values. Water Research 81: 137-141

Prochazka E, Escher BI, Plewa MJ and Leusch FDL (2015). In vitro cytotoxicity and adaptive stress response to selected haloacetic acid and halobenzoquinone water disinfection byproducts. Chemical Research in Toxicology 28: 2059-2068.

Phan HV, Hai FI, McDonald JA, Khan SJ, van de Merwe JP, Leusch FDL, Zhang R, Price WE, Broeckmann A, Nghiem LD (2015). Impact of hazardous events on the removal of nutrients and trace organic contaminants by an anoxic-aerobic membrane bioreactor receiving real wastewater. Bioresource Technology 192: 192-201

Jia A, Escher BI, Leusch FDL, Tang JYM, Prochazka E, Dong B, Snuder EM and Snyder SA (2015). In vitro bioassays to evaluate complex chemical mixtures in recycled water. Water Research 80: 1-11

Nguyen LN, Hai FI, Price WE, Kang J, Leusch FDL, Roddick F, van de Merwe JP, Magram SF and Nghiem LD (2015). Degradation of a broad spectrum of trace organic contaminants by an enzymatic membrane reactor: Complementary role of membrane retention and enzymatic degradation. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 99: 115-122

Wang, C. K., Northfield, S. E., Swedberg, J. E., Colless, B., Chaousis, S., Price, D. A., … & Craik, D. J. (2015). Exploring experimental and computational markers of cyclic peptides: charting islands of permeability.European journal of medicinal chemistry97, 202-213.

Henriques, S. T., Huang, Y. H., Chaousis, S., Sani, M. A., Poth, A. G., Separovic, F., & Craik, D. J. (2015). The prototypic cyclotide kalata B1 has a unique mechanism of entering cells.Chemistry & biology22(8), 1087-1097.

Leusch FDL and Snyder SA (2015). Bioanalytical tools: Half a century of application to potable reuse. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 1: 606-621

van de Merwe JP and Leusch FDL (2015). A sensitive and high throughput bacterial luminescence assay for assessing aquatic toxicity – the BLT-Screen. Environ Sci: Processes Impacts 17(5): 947-955

Neale PA and Leusch FDL (2015). Considerations when assessing antagonism in vitro: Why standardizing the agonist concentration matters. Chemosphere 135: 20-23

Huang, Y. H., Chaousis, S., Cheneval, O., Craik, D. J., & Henriques, S. T. (2015). Optimization of the cyclotide framework to improve cell penetration properties.Frontiers in pharmacology6, 17.

Neale PA and Leusch FDL (2015). Understanding the implications of dissolved organic carbon when assessing antagonism in vitro: An example with an estrogen receptor assay. Chemosphere 135: 341-346

Payne ME, Chapman HF, Cumming J and Leusch FDL (2015). In vitro cytotoxicity assessment of a hydraulic fracturing fluid. Environmental Chemistry 12(3): 286-292

Tang JYM, Taulis M, Edebeli J, Leusch FDL, Jagals PO, Jackson G and Escher BI (2015). Chemical and bioanalytical assessment of coal seam gas associated water. Environmental Chemistry 12(3): 267-285


Nguyen L, Hai FI, Price WE, Leusch FDL, Roddick F, McAdam E, Magram SF and Nghiem L (2014). Continuous biotransformation of bisphenol A and diclofenac by laccase in an enzymatic membrane reactor. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 95(A): 25-32

Ziajahromi S, Khanizadeh M, Nejadkoorki F, (2014). Total effective dose equivalent assessment after exposure to high-level natural radiation using the RESRAD code. Environmental Monitoring and assessment.186 (3).

Chaousis, S., Smout, M., Wilson, D., Loukas, A., Mulvenna, J., & Seymour, J. (2014). Rapid short term and gradual permanent cardiotoxic effects of vertebrate toxins from Chironex fleckeri (Australian box jellyfish) venom.Toxicon80, 17-26.

Wang, C. K., Northfield, S. E., Colless, B., Chaousis, S., Hamernig, I., Lohman, R. J., … & Fairlie, D. P. (2014). Rational design and synthesis of an orally bioavailable peptide guided by NMR amide temperature coefficients.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences111(49), 17504-17509.

Deane EE, van de Merwe JP, Hui JHL, Wu RSS, Woo NYS. 2014. PBDE-47 exposure causes gender specific effects on apoptosis and heat shock protein expression in marine medaka, Oryzias melastigma. Aquatic Toxicology 147:57-67.

Fong CC, Shi YF, Yu WK, Wei F, van de Merwe JP, Chan AKY, et al. 2014. Itraq-based proteomic profiling of the marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) gonad exposed to BDE-47. Marine Pollution Bulletin 85:471-478

Troeira Henriques, S., Huang, Y. H., Chaousis, S., Wang, C. K., & Craik, D. J. (2014). Anticancer and toxic properties of cyclotides are dependent on phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipid targeting.Chembiochem15(13), 1956-1965.

Henriques, S. T., Huang, Y. H., Chaousis, S., & Craik, D. J. (2014). Cyclotides use specific lipids as a switch to internalize inside cells. InJournal of Peptide Science, 20(1), S61-S62. John Wiley & Sons.

Hill, T. A., Lohman, R. J., Hoang, H. N., Nielsen, D. S., Scully, C. C., Kok, W. M., … Chaousis, S. & Farlie, D. P.  (2014). Cyclic penta-and hexaleucine peptides without N-methylation are orally absorbed. ACS medicinal chemistry letters5(10), 1148-1151.

Weijs L, Roach AC, Yang RSH, McDougall R, Lyons M, Housand C, Tibax D, Manning TM, Chapman JC, Edge K, Covaci A, Blust R, 2014. Lifetime PCB 153 bioaccumulation and pharmacokinetics in pilot whales: Bayesian population PBPK modeling and Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. Chemosphere, 94, 91-96.

Shaw SD, Berger ML, Weijs L, Covaci A, 2014. Polychlorinated biphenyls still pose significant health risks to northwest Atlantic harbor seals. Science of the Total Environment, 490, 477-487.

Weijs L, Shaw SD, Berger ML, Neels H, Blust R, Covaci A, 2014. Methoxylated PBDEs (MeO-PBDEs) and hydroxylated PBDEs (HO-PBDEs) and PCBs (HO-PCBs) in liver of harbor seals from the northwest Atlantic. Science of the Total Environment, 493, 606-614.

Weijs L, Hickie BE, Blust R, Covaci A, 2014. Overview of the current state-of-the-art for bioaccumulation models in marine mammals. Toxics, 2, 226-246.

Lanctôt C., Navarro-Martín L., Robertson C., Park B.J., Jackman P., Pauli B.D., Trudeau V.L. (2014) Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on survival, development, growth and sex ratios of wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles. II: Agriculturally relevant exposures to Roundup WeatherMax® and Vision® under laboratory conditions. Aquatic Toxicology 154: 291–303.

Navarro-Martín L., Lanctôt C., Jackman P., Park B.J., Doe K., Pauli B.D., Trudeau V.L. (2014) Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on survival, development, growth and sex ratios of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles. I: Chronic laboratory exposures to VisionMax®. Aquatic Toxicology 154: 278–290.

Neale, P.A., Escher, B.I. (2014) Does co-extracted dissolved organic carbon cause artefacts in cell-based bioassays? Chemosphere 108: 281-288

Nguyen LN, Hai FI, Yang S, Kang J, Leusch FDL, Roddick F, Price WE and Nghiem LD (2014). Removal of pharmaceuticals, steroid hormones, phytoestrogens, UV-filters, industrial chemicals and pesticides by Trametes versicolor: Role of biosorption and biodegradation. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 88: 169-175

Leusch FDL, Khan SJ, Gagnon MM, Quayle P, Trinh T, Coleman H, Rawson C, Chapman HF, Blair P, Nice H and Reitsema T (2014). Assessment of wastewater and recycled water quality: A comparison of lines of evidence from in vitro, in vivo and chemical analyses. Water Research 50: 420-431

Escher BI, Allinson M, Altenburger R, Bain P, Balaguer P, Busch W, Crago J, Denslow ND, Dopp E, Hilscherova K, Humpage AR, Kumar A, Grimaldi M, Jayasinghe BS, Jarosova B, Jia A, Makarov S, Maruya KA, Medvedev A, Mehinto AC, Mendez JE, Poulsen A, Prochazka E, Richard J, Schifferli A, Schlenk D, Scholz S, Shiraishi F, Snyder S, Su G, Tang JYM, van der Burg B, van der Linden SC, Werner I, Westerheide SD, Wong CKC, Yang M, Yeung BHY, Zhang X and Leusch FDL (2014). Benchmarking organic micropollutants in wastewater, recycled water and drinking water with in vitro bioassays. Environmental Science & Technology 48: 1940-1956.

Leusch FDL, Khan SJ, Laingam S, Prochazka E, Froscio S, Trinh T, Chapman HF, and Humpage A (2014). Assessment of the application of bioanalytical tools as surrogate measure of chemical contaminants in recycled water. Water Research 49(1): 300-315.

Nguyen LN, Hai FI, Price WE, Leusch FDL, Roddick F, Ngo HH, Guo W, Magram SF and Nghiem LD (2014). The effects of mediator and granular activated carbon addition on degradation of trace organic contaminants by an enzymatic membrane reactor. Bioresource Technology 167: 169-177

Nguyen L, Hai FI, Kang J, Leusch FDL, Roddick F, Magram SF, Price WE and Nghiem LD (2014). Enhancement of trace organic contaminant degradation by crude enzyme extract from Trametes versicolor culture: Effect of mediator type and concentration. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45: 1855-1862.

Scott PD, Bartkow M, Blockwell SJ, Coleman HM, Khan SJ, Lim R, McDonald JA, Nice H, Nugegoda D, Pettigrove V, Tremblay LA, Warne MStJ and Leusch FDL (2014). A national survey of trace organic contaminants in Australian rivers. Journal of Environmental Quality 43(5): 1702-1712

Scott PD, Bartkow M, Blockwell SJ, Coleman HM, Khan SJ, Lim R, McDonald JA, Nice H, Nugegoda D, Pettigrove V, Tremblay LA, Warne MStJ and Leusch FDL (2014). An assessment of endocrine activity in Australian rivers using chemical and in vitro analyses. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(22): 12951-12967

Melvin SD, Cameron MC, and CM Lanctôt. 2014. Individual and mixture toxicity of the pharmaceuticals naproxen, carbamazepine and sulfamethoxazole to Australian striped-marsh frog tadpoles (Limnodynastes peronii). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 77: 337-345.

Melvin SD, and JE Houlahan. 2014. Simulating selective mortality on tadpole populations in the lab yields improved estimates of effect sizes in nature. Journal of Herpetology. 48(2): 195-202.


Nguyen LN, Hai FI, Yang S, Kang J, Leusch FDL, Roddick F, Price WE and Nghiem LD (2013). Removal of trace organic contaminants by an MBR comprising a mixed culture of bacteria and white-rot fungi. Bioresource Technology 148: 234-241.

van de Merwe JP, Ibrahim K, Whittier JM. 2013. Post-emergence handling of green turtle hatchlings: Improving hatchery management worldwide. Animal Conservation 16:316-323.

Ziajahromi S, khanizadeh M, Khiadani M, Mehrdad M (2013). Experimental evaluation of nitrate reduction from water using synthesis nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) under aerobic conditions. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 16(2): 205-209.

Yu WK, Shi YF, Fong ACC, Chen Y, van de Merwe JP, Chan AKY, et al. 2013. Gender-specific transcriptional profiling of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) liver upon BDE-47 exposure. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part D: Genomics and Proteomics 8:255-262.

Weijs L, Yang RSH, Das K, Blust R, Covaci A., 2013. Application of Bayesian population PBPK modeling and Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations to pesticide kinetics studies in protected marine mammals: DDT, DDE, DDD in harbour porpoises. Environmental Science & Technology, 47, 4365-4374.

Weijs L, Tibax D, Roach AC, Manning TM, Chapman JC, Edge K, Blust R, Covaci A, 2013. Assessing levels of halogenated organic compounds in mass-stranded long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) from Australia. Science of the Total Environment, 461-462, 117-125.

Dupont A, Siebert U, Covaci A, Weijs L, Eppe G, Debier C, De Pauw-Gillet MC, Das K, 2013. Potential relationships between blood background contaminants and in vitro lymphoproliferative responses in free-ranging adult harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) from the North Sea. Aquatic Toxicology, 142-143, 210-220.

Neale, P.A., Jämting, Å.K., Escher, B.I., Herrmann, J. (2013) A review of the detection, fate and effects of engineered nanomaterials in wastewater treatment plants, Water Sci. Technol. 68: 1440-1453.

Farré, M.J., Day, S., Neale, P.A., Stalter, D., Tang, J.Y.M., Escher., B.I., (2013) Bioanalytical and chemical assessment of the disinfection by-product formation potential: Role of organic matter, Water Res. 47: 5409-5421

Tang, J.Y.M., McCarty, S., Glenn, E., Neale, P.A., Warne, M.S. and Escher, B.I. (2013). Mixture effects of organic micropollutants present in water: Towards the development of effect-based water quality trigger values for baseline toxicity, Water Res. 47: 3300-3314

Neale, P.A., Escher, B.I. (2013) Co-extracted dissolved organic carbon has a suppressive effect on the acetylcholinesterase inhibition assay, Toxicol. Chem. 32: 1526-1534

Melvin SD, and SP Wilson. 2013. The utility of behavioral studies for aquatic toxicology testing: A meta-analysis. Chemosphere. 93: 2217-2223.

Lanctôt C, Robertson C, Edge C, Navarro-Martín L, Melvin SD, Houlahan J, and VL Trudeau. 2013. Effects of the glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup WeatherMax® on metamorphosis of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) in natural wetlands. Aquatic Toxicology. 140-141:48-57.

Melvin SD, Lanctôt CM, Craig PM, Moon TW, Peru KM, Headley JV, and VL Trudeau. 2013. Effects of naphthenic acid exposure on development and liver metabolic processes in anuran tadpoles. Environmental Pollution. 177:22-27.


Watson K, Shaw G, Leusch F and Knight N (2012). Chlorine disinfection by-products in wastewater effluent: bioassay-based assessment of toxicological impact. Water Research 46(18): 6069-6083.

NejadKoorki F, Ziajahromi S. (2012). Zonal air pollution study in Yazd, Iran. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. 9 (4): 437-441.

Kwok C-T, van de Merwe JP, Chiu JMY, Wu RSS. 2012. Antioxidant responses and lipid peroxidation in gills and hepatopancreas of the mussel Perna viridis upon exposure to the red-tide organism Chattonella marina and hydrogen peroxide. Harmful Algae 13:40-46.

van de Merwe JP, West EJ, Ibrahim K. 2012. Effects of off-road vehicle tyre ruts on the beach dispersal of green sea turtle Chelonia mydas hatchlings. Endangered Species Research 18:27-34.

Ye RR, Lei ENY, Lam MHW, Chan AKY, Bo J, van de Merwe JP, et al. 2012. Gender-specific modulation of immune system complement gene expression in marine medaka Oryzias melastigma following dietary exposure of BDE-47. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19:2477-2487.

Weijs L, Covaci A, Yang RSH, Das K, Blust R, 2012. Computational toxicology: physiologically based pharmacokinetic models (PBPK) for lifetime exposure and bioaccumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in marine mammals. Environmental Pollution, 163, 134-141.

Shaw SD, Berger ML, Weijs L, Covaci A, 2012. Tissue-specific accumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) including deca-BDE and hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in harbor seals from the northwest Atlantic. Environment International, 44, 1-6.

Vanden Berghe M, Weijs L, Habran S, Das K, Bugli C, Rees JF, Pomeroy P, Covaci A, Debier C, 2012. Selective transfer of persistent organic pollutants and their metabolites in grey seals during lactation. Environment International, 46, 6-15.

Vanden Berghe M, Weijs L, Habran S, Das K, Bugli C, Pillet S, Rees JF, Pomeroy P,  Covaci A, Debier C, 2012. Effects of polychlorobiphenyls, polybromodiphenylethers, organochlorine pesticides and their metabolites on vitamin A status in lactating grey seals. Environmental Research, 120, 18-26.

Navarro-Martín L., Lanctôt C., Edge, C., Houlahan J., Trudeau V.L. (2012) Expression profiles of metamorphosis-related genes during natural transformations in tadpoles of wild Wood Frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 1059–1071.

Navarro-Martín L., Velasco-Santamaría Y.M., Duarte-Guterman P., Robertson C., Lanctôt C., Pauli B., Trudeau V.L. (2012) Sexing frogs by real-time PCR: Using aromatase (cyp19) as an early ovarian differentiation marker. Sexual Development 6: 303–315.

Neale, P. A., Antony, A., Bartkow, M. E., Farré, M. J., Heitz, A., Kristiana, I., Tang, J. Y. M., Escher, B. I. (2012) Bioanalytical assessment of the formation of disinfection by-products in a drinking water treatment plant, Sci. Technol. 46: 10317-10325

Neale, P.A., Escher, B.I., Goss, K.-U., Endo, S. (2012) Evaluating dissolved organic carbon-water partitioning using polyparameter linear free energy relationships: Implications for the fate of disinfection by-products, Water Res. 46: 3637–3645

Neale, P.A., Schäfer, A.I. (2012) Quantification of solute–solute interactions in steroidal hormone removal by ultrafiltration membranes, Purif. Technol. 90: 31-38

Leusch FDL, Middleton D and Bartkow ME (2012). Development and application of a tool to estimate the likelihood and significance of exceedances of human health-based chemical guidelines in purified recycled water. Water 39(6): 53-57.

Farré MJ, Knight N, King H, Filloux E, Keller J, Gernjak W, Watson K, Leusch FDL, Bartkow M, Taylor B and Burrell P (2012). A case study of occurrence of non-regulated disinfection by-products from the Capalaba region’s distribution system. Water 39(4): 67-71.

Melvin SD, and VL Trudeau. 2012. Growth, development and incidence of deformities in amphibian larvae exposed as embryos to naphthenic acid concentrations detected in the Canadian oil sands region. Environmental Pollution. 167:178-183.

Melvin SD, and VL Trudeau. 2012. Toxicity of naphthenic acids to wood frog tadpoles (Lithobates sylvaticus). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 75:1-4.

Melvin SD, and JE Houlahan. 2012. Tadpole mortality varies across experimental venues: Do laboratory populations predict responses in nature? Oecologia. 169:861-868.


Ho L, Grasset C, Hoefel D, Dixon MB, Leusch FD, Newcombe G, Saint CP, Brookes JD (2011). Assessing granular media filtration for the removal of chemical contaminants from wastewater. Water Research 45(11): 3461-3472.

van de Merwe JP, Chan AKY, Lei ENY, Yau MS, Lam MHW, Wu RSS. 2011. Bioaccumulation and maternal transfer of PBDE 47 in the marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) following dietary exposure. Aquatic Toxicology 103:199-204.

Weijs L, Covaci A, Yang RSH, Das K, Blust R, 2011. A non-invasive approach to study lifetime exposure and bioaccumulation of PCBs in protected marine mammals: PBPK modeling in harbour porpoises. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 256, 136-145.

Neale, P.A., Antony, A., Gernjak, W., Leslie, G., Escher, B.I, (2011) Natural versus wastewater derived dissolved organic carbon: Implications for the environmental fate of organic micropollutants, Water Res. 45: 4227-4237

Hawker, D.W., Cumming, J.L., Neale, P.A., Bartkow, M.E., Escher, B.I. (2011) A screening level fate model of organic contaminants from advanced water treatment in a potable water supply reservoir, Water Res. 45: 768-780


Lampard J, Leusch FDL, Roiko A and Chapman HF (2010). Contaminants of concern in recycled water. Water 37(8): 54-60.

Tong ESP, van de Merwe JP, Chiu JMY, Wu RSS. 2010. Effects of 1,2-dichlorobenzene on the growth, bioenergetics and reproduction of the amphipod, Melita longidactyla. Chemosphere 80:20-27.

van de Merwe JP, Hodge M, Olszowy HA, Whittier JM, Lee SY. 2010. Using blood samples to estimate persistent organic pollutants and metals in green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas). Marine Pollution Bulletin 60:579-588.

van de Merwe JP, Hodge M, Whittier JM, Ibrahim K, Lee SY. 2010. Persistent organic pollutants in the green sea turtle Chelonia mydas: Nesting population variation, maternal transfer, and effects on development. Marine Ecology Progress Series 403:269-278.

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Weijs L, Yang RSH, Covaci A, Das K, Blust R, 2010. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic models for lifetime exposure to PCB 153 in male and female harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): Model development and validation. Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 7023-7030.

Weijs L, van Elk N, Das K, Blust R, Covaci A, 2010. Persistent organic pollutants in harbour porpoise calves from 1990 until 2008: Young wildlife at risk? Science of the Total Environment, 409, 228-237.

Neale, P.A., Mastrup, M., Borgman, T., Schäfer, A.I. (2010) Sorption of micropollutant estrone to a water treatment ion exchange resin, Environ. Monit. 12: 311-317

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Van den Heuvel MR, Martel PH, Kovacs TG, MacLatchy DL, Van Der Kraak GJ, Parrott JL, McMaster ME, O’Connor BI, Melvin SD, and LM Hewitt. 2010. Evaluation of short-term fish reproductive bioassays for predicting effects of a Canadian bleached kraft mill effluent. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 45(2): 175-186.


Leusch FDL, Moore MR, and Chapman HF (2009). Balancing the budget of environmental estrogen exposure – the contribution of recycled water. Water Science & Technology 60(4): 1003-1012.

van de Merwe JP, Hodge M, Olszowy HA, Whittier JM, Ibrahim K, Lee SY. 2009. Chemical contamination of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) eggs in Peninsular Malaysia: Implications for conservation and public health. Environmental Health Perspectives 117:1397-1401.

van de Merwe JP, Hodge M, Whittier JM, Lee SY. 2009. Analysing persistent organic pollutants in eggs, blood and tissue of the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) using gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 393:1719-1731.

van de Merwe JP, Ibrahim K, Lee SY, Whittier JM. 2009. Habitat use by green turtles (Chelonia mydas) nesting in Peninsular Malaysia: Local and regional conservation implications. Wildlife Research 36:637-645.

Weijs L, Dirtu AC, Das K, Gheorghe A, Reijnders PJH, Neels H, Blust R & Covaci A, 2009. Interspecies differences for PCBs and PBDEs in marine top predators from the Southern North Sea: Part 1. Accumulation patterns in harbour seals and harbour porpoises. Environmental Pollution, 157, 437-444.

Weijs L, Dirtu AC, Das K, Gheorghe A, Reijnders PJH, Neels H, Blust R & Covaci A, 2009. Interspecies differences for PCBs and PBDEs in marine top predators from the Southern North Sea: Part 2. Biomagnification in harbour seals and harbour porpoises. Environmental Pollution, 157, 445-451.

Dorneles PR, Lailson-Brito J, Dirtu AC, Weijs L, Azevedo AF, Torres JPM, Malm O, Neels H, Blust R, Das K & Covaci A, 2010. Anthropogenic and naturally-produced organobrominated compounds in marine mammals from Brazil. Environment International, 36, 60-67.

Weijs L, Das K, Siebert U, van Elk N, Jauniaux T, Neels H, Blust R, Covaci A, 2009. Concentrations of chlorinated and brominated contaminants and their metabolites in serum of harbour seals and harbour porpoises. Environment International, 35, 842-850.

Weijs L, Losada S, Das K, Roosens L, Reijnders PJH, Neels H, Blust R and Covaci A, 2009. Biomagnification of MeO-PBDEs and PBDEs in harbour seals and harbour porpoises from the Southern North Sea. Environment International, 35, 893-899.

Pena-Abaurrea M, Weijs L, Ramos L, Borghesi N, Corsolina S, Neels H, Blust R, Covaci A, 2009. Anthropogenic and naturally-produced organobrominated compounds in bluefin tuna from the Mediterranean Sea. Chemosphere, 76, 1477-1482.

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Kennedy K, Macova M, Leusch FDL, Bartkow ME, Hawker DW, Zhao B, Denison MS, and Mueller JF (2009). Assessing indoor air exposures using passive sampling with bioanalytical methods for estrogenicity and aryl hydrocarbon receptor activity. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 394: 1413-1421.

Melvin SD, Munkittrick KR, Bosker T, and DL MacLatchy. 2009. Detectable effect size and bioassay power of mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) adult reproductive tests. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 28(11): 2416-2425.

Bosker T, Hewitt LM, Munkittrick KR, Melvin SD, and DL MacLatchy. 2009. The effects of final treated effluent and in-mill waste streams from a Canadian thermomechanical pulp and paper mill on mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) reproduction. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 44(4): 333-344.


Neale, P.A., Escher, B.I., Schäfer, A.I. (2008) Quantification of solute – solute interactions using negligible – depletion solid-phase microextraction: Measuring the affinity of estradiol to bulk organic matter, Sci. Technol. 42, 2886-2892


Tan BLL, Hawker DW, Mueller JF, Leusch FDL, Tremblay LA, and Chapman HF (2007). Modelling of the fate of selected endocrine disruptors in a municipal wastewater treatment plant in South East Queensland, Australia. Chemosphere 69: 644-654.

Tan BLL, Hawker DW, Mueller JF, Leusch FDL, Tremblay LA, and Chapman HF (2007). Comprehensive study of endocrine disrupting compounds using grab and passive sampling at selected wastewater treatment plants in South East Queensland, Australia. Environment International 33: 654-669.


Chapman HF and Leusch F (2006). Water Recycling: Endocrine Disrupting Compounds. Water 33(6): 61-63.

van de Merwe JP, Ibrahim K, Whittier JM. 2006. Effects of nest depth, shading and metabolic heating on nest temperatures in sea turtle hatcheries. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 5:210-215.

Bandelj E, van den Heuvel MR, Leusch FDL, Shannon N, Taylor S, and McCarthy LH (2006). Determination of the androgenic potency of whole effluents using mosquitofish and trout bioassays. Aquatic Toxicology. 80: 237-248.

Leusch FDL, Chapman HF, van den Heuvel MR, Tan BLL, Gooneratne SR, and Tremblay LA (2006). Bioassay-derived androgenic and estrogenic activity in municipal sewage in Australia and New Zealand. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 65: 403-411.

van den Heuvel MR, Leusch FDL, Taylor S, Shannon N, McKague AB (2006). Assessment of the reproductive-endocrine disrupting potential of chlorine dioxide oxidation products of plant sterols. Environmental Science & Technology 40(8): 2594-2600.

Leusch FDL, Chapman HF, Kay GW, Gooneratne SR, and Tremblay LA (2006). Anal fin morphology and gonadal histopathology in mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) exposed to treated municipal sewage effluent. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 50: 562-574.

Leusch FDL, van den Heuvel MR, Chapman HF, Gooneratne SR, Eriksson AME, and Tremblay LA (2006). Development of methods for extraction and in vitro quantification of estrogenic and androgenic activity of wastewater samples. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C – Toxicology and Pharmacology 143:117-126.

Sarmah AK, Northcott GL, Leusch FDL, and Tremblay LA (2006). A survey of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in municipal sewage and animal waste effluents in the Waikato region of New Zealand. Science of the Total Environment 335(1-3): 98-105.


Tremblay LA, Fisher P, Leusch FDL, van den Heuvel MR, Nicolas JC, Pilon A, and Balaguer P (2005). Potential of sodium fluoroacetate (1080) and fluorocitrate to bind to androgen and oestrogen receptors. Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology 11(3): 155-162.

van de Merwe JP, Ibrahim K, Whittier JM. 2005. Effects of hatchery shading and nest depth on the development and quality of Chelonia mydas hatchlings: Implications for hatchery management in peninsular malaysia. Australian Journal of Zoology 53:205-211.

Leusch FDL, van den Heuvel MR, Laurie AD, Chapman HF, Gooneratne SR, and Tremblay LA (2005). Quantification of vitellogenin mRNA induction in mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) by reverse transcription real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Biomarkers 10(6): 429-438.

Leusch FDL, Chapman HF, Koerner W, Gooneratne SR, and Tremblay LA (2005). Efficacy of an advanced sewage treatment plant in Southeast Queensland, Australia, to remove estrogenic chemicals. Environmental Science & Technology 39: 5781-5786.


Tremblay LA, Fisher P, and Leusch FDL (2004). Potential of sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) and fluorocitrate to bind to estrogen receptor. Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology 10(2): 77-83.


Leusch FDL and MacLatchy DL (2003).  In vivo implants of beta-sitosterol cause reductions of reactive cholesterol pools in mitochondria isolated from gonads of male goldfish (Carassius auratus). General and Comparative Endocrinology 134(3): 255-263.

Gilman CI, Leusch FDL, Breckenridge WC, and MacLatchy DL (2003).  Effects of a phytosterol mixture on male fish plasma lipoprotein fractions and testis P450scc activity. General and Comparative Endocrinology 130(2): 172-184.