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PhD Candidates

Julia Smith

Julia is currently doing a PhD on shark toxicology.

Matt Johnson

Matt is currently doing a PhD on development of bioanalytical tools for direct toxicity assessment.

Sana Ajaz

Sana is currently doing a PhD on bioremediation of contaminants of emerging concerns.

Kushani Perera

Kushani is currently doing a PhD on airborne microplastics.

Rameesha Tanveer

Rameesha is doing a PhD on the active pharmaceutical ingredients in water.

Mikaela Radke

Mikaela is doing a PhD on development of analytical techniques for contaminants of emerging concern in waters.

Nikol Slynkova

Nikol is doing a PhD on the impact of microplastics on coral reefs.

Masters students

Currently none

Honours and undergraduate students

Ebony Hames

Ebony is currently doing an Honours on trace metals in green sea turtle blood.

Scott Cramb

Scott’s honours will investigate the spatial variability of sediment contamination in green sea turtle foraging grounds.

Dylan White-Kiely

Dylan’s Honours project focuses on chemical contamination in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) foraging in inshore and offshore locations

Nicole Rowberry

Nicole’s Honours project will compare trace elements in green sea turtles foraging inshore and offshore.