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Mikaela Radke

N25_1.13, Griffith University, Nathan Campus

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ORCID: 0009-0008-7263-9117

Short bio
I have been studying at Griffith University for the past four years and have a keen interest in analytical chemistry and mass spectrometry. My undergraduate studies and honours were focused on forensic chemistry where I developed an analytical technique workflow for the complete analysis of illicit drug mixtures. Through completing honours, I have gained an interest in research and developing my skills in the application of high-resolution mass spectrometry and non-targeted analysis methods. My interest in environmental toxicology stems from the novel application of high-resolution mass spectrometry to identifying unknown compounds of specific toxicological concern and the increasing amount of emerging chemical pollutants being identified across the world. My belief is that by combining novel chromatography techniques with high-resolution mass spectrometry, based on prioritisation through effect-directed analysis, a more holistic view of emerging contaminants can be identified. 

Current position
PhD Candidate

Project title
Monitoring of xenobiotics in eco-toxicology samples through non-targeted HRMS method development

Prof Frederic Leusch, A/Prof Sarah Cresswell

Coming soon (!)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) Class I, Griffith University (2022)
Bachelor of Forensic Science, Griffith University (2021)

Employment history
2023 – current: Research Assistant
2023: Lab demonstrating for 1021SCG Chemistry 1A
2022: Lab demonstrating for 1021SCG Chemistry 1A, 2002ESC Forensic Chemistry and 3001ESC Analytical Techniques

Awards and Grants
2023: Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship
2022: Pro Vice Chancellor (Griffith Sciences) Academic Excellence Honours Scholarship