PhD Candidates
Julia Smith
PhD on shark toxicology.
Matt Johnson
PhD on development of bioanalytical tools for direct toxicity assessment.
Sana Ajaz
PhD on bioremediation of contaminants of emerging concerns.
Kushani Perera
PhD on airborne microplastics.
Rameesha Tanveer
PhD on the active pharmaceutical ingredients in water.
Mikaela Radke
PhD on development of analytical techniques for contaminants of emerging concern in waters.
Nikol Slynkova
PhD on the impact of microplastics on coral reefs.
Jinpeng (Vito) Zhou
PhD on the combination of -omics and effect-based methods to prioritise contaminants of emerging concern in water.
Md Mehedee Hasan
PhD on the impacts of micro- and nanoplastics on agricultural soils.
Taryn-lee Perrior
PhD on turtle toxicology.
Shritika S. Prakash
PhD focused on understanding natural and anthropogenic threats to sea turtle population in the South Pacific region.
Masters students
Currently none
Honours and undergraduate students
Lucy Palmer
Lucy’s Honours project looks at the detection of phthalates in the blood of Australian green sea turtles prior to and during rehabilitative care and the assessment of effective storage containers